Registration is now open.
March 18–March 19, 2025
8:00 am–4:00 pm CDT
EFCA National Office
901 East 78th Street
Bloomington, MN 55420

The EFCA History, Theology and Polity course is considered the baseline for any/all of the credentials in the EFCA. If one desires to minister in the EFCA and be licensed and eventually receive their Certificate of Ordination or Certificate of Christian Ministry, this material is mandatory. In the past this class was only offered at our EFCA seminary, so all those who desired to minister in the EFCA and who did not attend our seminary were required to meet this requirement through an independent study. We now offer the class in an intensive two-day format in other locations. We believe there is much to be gained in a class setting versus the independent study format.

This class will be offered in-person and online.


• Designed for those seeking a greater understanding of the EFCA or anticipating possible credentialing. Attention is paid to history, polity, doctrine, missionary outreach, current trends. Attendees are challenged to consider these distinctives in relation to their own concepts of ministry context and potential.

• Attendees will become familiar with the heritage and distinctives of the Free Church in order to appreciate its present structure, ministry, and mission.

• Participants will envision how God might use them in furthering his kingdom through the Free Church.

• Participants will fulfill one of the key requirements for credentialing in the EFCA.

Topics will include many/most of the following:

• Church, churches and denominations
• History
• Polity
• Statement of Faith (Doctrine/Theology)
• National and district partnership
• Credentialing and placement

We will dive into the history of our denomination, our polity and our statement of faith. If you're interested in learning more about the course, you can reach out to